Why Finding Love Is Not About Luck


A Little Bit On Our Backstory

We met just over a year and a half ago, moved in together only 4 months later and got engaged after dating for a year. It might sound too fast, too crazy or impulsive, but it’s the exact opposite. Our relationship has progressed so steadily and so strongly that nothing feels more secure than what we have together. 

What we have was not built on anxiety and insecurity. We never worried when the other person would text or call. We never had to question where we stood. Our emotions never went from 0 to 100 in a short period of time. Remember quick flames burn out quickly too! We sometimes hear people say that you need a little bit of anxiety in the beginning of a relationship, to spark an interest and get those butterflies in your stomach. Or that you need to keep your partner on the edge a little bit, just to keep the flame burning. Our emotions gradually built up on each other, like a slow but steady climb to the top of a mountain, rather than a quick exhilarating helicopter ride up there.

The result is a solid and loving partnership. There is adventure and excitement happening all around us but inside our house everything is calm and stable. We rarely fight and when we do, we never let it escalate. We just discuss things calmly until we figure out our disagreements. This is the result of mindful work, not luck.

Of course, we don’t believe this is the only way to do it. It might not be for everyone. But we do believe…

…Our Way Is Teachable

There are many ways to fall in love. None of them is “right” or “wrong” and we might even have to say love is not for everyone. Some people fall in love very young, get coupled up and figure out the rest later. Others don’t really get there until years of failed attempts. And some try their whole lives and never find it. But the common thread is that most people think of love as something mystical and inexplicable, something you either “get lucky” with or don’t.

We disagree. We think finding love and keeping it strong is a skill that anyone can learn, just like playing tennis or speaking a new language. The difference is, if we told you Serena Williams is the best at what she does because of pure natural talent, not because of her determination and hard work, you’d laugh at us. But if we told you we met each other by chance and just got insanely lucky with our beautiful healthy relationship, you’d have no problem believing it.

We spend years in school learning math and science but no one ever teaches us how to build good relationships. We get by on advice from friends and family. But we never think we need to learn and cultivate it as a skill, just like everything else in life. Just cross fingers and hope we’ll get lucky!

We have a problem with that. We also have a problem with the idea that there is only ONE person out there who’s a perfect match for you and you just need to look hard enough until you find him/her. You can meet your perfect soulmate five times over and let them pass you by if you are not ready.

We really believe there are a few key skills anyone can learn that can help us build happy healthy relationships, not just romantic ones but friendships as well. Understanding and owning our emotions, handling other people’s emotions, establishing boundaries, building trust… these are all prerequisites for a good relationship. And they won’t just come to you in your sleep. It takes a lot of self-awareness and work on our own flaws and insecurities to get to a happy comfortable place where relationships flourish. Some people have a natural knack for it, of course, but anyone can learn with enough practice.


Laws Of Attraction

We believe that there is a science to whom we attract and are attracted to. Each person who enters our life has a purpose. Each person is our mirror – we see ourselves through the reflection they create for us. If we are at a happy positive and secure place in our life, we will create a happy positive and secure reflection in the other person. We would not even feel drawn to someone who can’t give us that reflection. If we feel jealous or angry, we’ll bring that out in the other person. We’ll feel more attracted to people who are likely to reciprocate. And whether we love, hate or feel indifferent to the reflection we see tells us where that relationships will go.

Seeing a reflection we don’t like is where things get ugly. That’s when jealousy, insecurity, constant arguing and boredom come from. And the hardest part is recognizing that what we are seeing is just a reflection. We are prefer to look for the fault in other people, not within us. We jump from relationship to relationship thinking it’s just bad luck that’s bringing us a bad partner after bad partner. It’s like looking at our reflection in a lake and thinking the person underwater is to blame for our problems. We can check back in other lakes but we’ll still see the same image.

But once we figure that out, we can stop looking for others to blame and start working on ourselves. We can stop being victims and create our own luck. Once we build a self that we love and respect, we can finally meet its reflection in another person and fall in love with it.

In the next few posts we’ll go deeper into the details of what it means to meet yourself in others. We’ll talk about how to recognize what we love and what we hate about ourselves and how to work on it. We’ll also get to the most difficult part – how to nurture what we have once we find the right partner, and build it into a strong foundation for our future.



  1. Danny
    November 21, 2018 / 12:33 pm

    Absolutely agree!! Can’t wait to read the rest of the posts!

    • Katerina
      November 21, 2018 / 10:52 pm

      the rest is coming soon 🙂

  2. Adi
    November 21, 2018 / 12:54 pm

    Deep deep inside, one of the best

    • Katerina
      November 21, 2018 / 10:51 pm

      thank you, Adi :)))

  3. Sruthi Raj
    November 21, 2018 / 10:28 pm

    Jsut found your blog. Love it! Cant wait for more!

  4. Mort
    November 22, 2018 / 11:30 am

    Wow! Never thought about it this way but it makes a lot of sense… Looking forward to reading more

  5. Mindy
    April 1, 2019 / 4:40 pm

    You say that you met in a line waiting for a salad? And you think that’s not dumb luck? Are you kidding me? Having and maintaining a healthy relationship is one thing. Being at the right place at the right time to actually meet that person is luck. Period. Stop giving yourself credit for something you had zero control over.

    • Katerina
      April 1, 2019 / 10:22 pm

      You sound a little lost but that’s not a good enough reason to be so rude…

      But it seems like you didn’t get the main point of the article so let me try to explain. We never said finding each other specifically was not lucky. What we said was that finding LOVE in general is not about luck. If we didn’t meet each other, we’d meet someone else to fall in love with. Because when we met was exactly the point when we were both ready for a serious relationship.

      If you’re not ready, you can meet 500 right people and you won’t even realize they’re right for you. You need to work on yourself first, to resolve all the issues you have whether from childhood trauma or other stuff, and only then you would be able to form a healthy relationship. When we got to that stage, it didn’t matter if we met each other or someone else who was also ready for a relationship, we’d form an equally strong connection. And we’d probably be equally happy.

      If you believe that there is only ONE right person for you on the whole planet out of 7 billion people and all you need to do is run into them, then yeah you should sit around waiting for your “dumb luck” to meet that one “soul mate”. But we wouldn’t recommend it.

      And if you haven’t found the right person yet, it’s probably not because you haven’t met them super randomly. You’ve probably met a bunch of right people in your life. You’re just not in a place to recognize it and nurture it, and that’s what you really need to work on.

      Hope this helps 🙂 And feel free to shoot us an email if you have any questions, we’d be happy to help.

      • Mindy
        April 2, 2019 / 12:37 pm

        I don’t know why you have proclaimed yourselves the experts on this subject. It sounds like you met someone you liked, got married, and now want to pat yourselves on the back for it while making people who haven’t met that person feel like crap by pointing out all the things they are doing wrong. Charlize Theron is 44 and has never been married. I’d love to know what you think she is doing wrong? Hitler had a wife AND a girlfriend. Are you really going to make single people feel like crap when the world’s most horrible man managed to find love but they are still single? Surely what they are doing with their lives is no worse than what Hitler was doing!

        And lest you think this is coming from some bitter single person, you should know I am happily married. Why? I met a guy. We clicked. That’s it. I didn’t do anything “right” and people who haven’t met that guy are not doing anything “wrong”. And saying things like “we wouldn’t recommend it” and “we’d be happy to help” is absurd considering you are nothing more than two people who met and fell in love and now think you are entitled to tell the rest of the world that they, too, just need to figure out who they are and then flash a beaming smile at the guy standing next to them in the salad line and all will work out.

        Telling your readers they have met 500 people who were right for them but didn’t realize it because they still needed to “work on themselves” is an insult. Telling them they are still single because they don’t know how to “love and nurture” a relationship? What a slap in the face! Whatever it is you are teaching should be discussed with a therapist, not a smug married who feels it necessary to make themselves feel good and others feel bad by flaunting their social validation and professionally-taken couples photos all over the internet.

        • Mindy
          April 2, 2019 / 1:33 pm

          And in response to your calling me “rude”, I submit to you that there is nothing ruder than telling a bunch of strangers who you know NOTHING about that they “don’t realize when a relationship” is right for them, they “still need to work on themselves”, and “resolve their issues from childhood”, and ONLY THEN will they be able form a healthy relationship. Oh, and know how to “recognize and nurture” a relationship first – – that’s “really what you need to work on.” At at that point in time – presto! – the guy next to you in the salad line is your soul mate! My responses to you are not “rude”. They are calling you out for what you are – two people who fell in love and want very badly to congratulate themselves for it (and pay a photographer and makeup artist a lot of money to prove to the world how wonderful they are together).

        • Blake
          April 2, 2019 / 6:28 pm

          AMEN MINDY.

          So many people I know fully recognize the major luck components that enter into our lives.

          I fully agree that we can increase our chances of attracting healthy relationships by doing necessary work on ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that there still isn’t a massive component of courtship which is out of our control.

          This article should be pointed towards couples – people already in relationships that may need a kick in the ass to become better partners.

          It’s really missing the mark for singles or people who have spent long swaths of time single.

  6. Tabitha
    April 2, 2019 / 6:24 pm

    You met in line waiting for a salad. You both, at that time, had done enough work on yourselves to be highly-functioning partners. You both were open to bringing a LTR in your lives at that time and making that a priority.

    Those are all factors outside your control. Call it luck, call it timing – but there is a large unknown component to meeting people that are right for you which you seem to dismiss.

    Yes, I agree that relationship skills can and should be learned. Love is a verb. We can become better at loving ourselves and choosing to be better partners.

    But that doesn’t mean that we will bump into The One at Tone House or the farmer’s market or the Polaris lounge or wherever and BAM! Insta-relationship time.

    I live in Manhattan where I see hundreds of amazing women – they’ve founded businesses, ran marathons (some under 3 hours), wrote novels, and exceled to the highest levels of BigLaw, finance, tech, etc. They are highly involved in charities, read more than Page Six, and have their student loans mostly (or fully) paid off. They’re a variety of ages, ethnicities, religions, body types – but with one thing in common.

    They are largely single.

    And that’s not for lack of trying, or putting themselves out there.

    Love, as with life, contains a ton of unknowns. We are in control of how we manage and react to the unknowns, and how we allow unexpected events to shape us.

    But pretending that love doesn’t contain a massive chance component is about as laughable as saying Kylie Jenner is self-made.

    • Katerina
      April 2, 2019 / 10:55 pm

      You said yourself that we had both done a lot of work to be in a happy place before we met. We both were in the right mindset for a serious relationship. And then you say that was out of our control. Doing work on yourself is not out of your control 🙂 Getting yourself in the right mindset is not out of your control. And attracting people of a similar mindset is all about the energy you put out into the world. That’s all in people’s control. And that’s the entire point of what we’re trying to say. We’re just against the idea that you just have to sit pretty and wait for luck to hit you in the head.

      We agree there are a lot of amazing accomplished women in NYC who are single. But love is not about professional achievements. It’s about vulnerability. It’s a completely different type of achievement. And we think people largely ignore that and prefer to label themselves victims of bad luck.

      • Mindy
        April 3, 2019 / 8:22 am

        Yet another brilliant piece of advice from the woman who met her husband at the salad bar and now thinks she is entitled to tell every other woman on the planet to do the same. You are completely missing the point here so I am going to spell it out for you.

        1. You have no idea why your readers are single. You have no idea if they have, or haven’t, done the laundry list of things you claim to have done before Mr. Right popped up by the tuna and chick peas. Why do you think you are entitled to be giving advice to people – advice that includes “getting over childhood trauma”? Pardon me for saying it, but how dare you? Childhood trauma is not a joke, and yet you fling it out there, followed by a “or whatever”, as if it’s no more serious than what kind of shampoo to buy. And then you literally accuse your readers of being single because they “haven’t gotten over it” – when childhood trauma could mean anything from sexual abuse to being abandoned by your mother. It’s completely irresponsible.

        2. You are acting under the vain, self-centered assumption that because a chain of events played out a certain way for you in your life, well, gosh, that must mean it’s the same for everybody on the planet! And I guess when you think you are the center of the universe, you would think that. News flash: you are not the center of the universe. What happened to you does not automatically apply to every other female alive.

        3. You seem to think that falling in love makes you somehow qualified to be dispensing advice on the subject. I mean, you have a BLOG about it, for crying out loud! Here’s the thing: you can’t dispense advice without first thinking you have some knowledge that other people don’t have. I hate to break it to you, but you do not have any special “this is how to find your soul mate” knowledge that other people do not have. And if you do, please tell me exactly which deli I should be at at 1:37pm today to meet my soul mate. I, too, have a beautiful smile, a sunny disposition, and heck, I even like salad.

        4. Bottom line: Yes, it is important to try to be the best version, both inside and out, of ourselves. But here is the thing you refuse to admit: there are people out there who HAVE made themselves the best they can be, both inside and out, who are single. And there are people who are total messes in every possible way who are married. I could give you dozens of examples of both. This is a subject way more complex than “figure out who you are” and then chat up someone at the salad bar. The truth is, there is a huge element of luck involved when meeting a partner. NONE of us are perfect (including you, which someone should really have pointed out to you much earlier). Finding love is NOT about first having to become the best version of ourselves. Finding love is about finding someone you mesh with. And that is not something you have much control over.

        I think you owe your readers an apology, And stick to blogging about travel.

        • Anonymous
          April 3, 2019 / 8:51 am

          I really want her to come back in 10 years and read this post. I wonder what her marriage will look like then, and if she’d give the same advice.

      • Tabs
        April 3, 2019 / 8:47 am

        I am 100% FOR empowerment. Controlling what you can control so you can take advantage of lucky breaks, and not be hurt as badly by bad luck.

        But you seem so stubborn in your insistence that luck does not play a part – especially in a city like New York, where the ratios so strongly favor men.

        Now let’s talk about vulnerability here.

        I agree that no one dates a resume; I was just using that to describe the sheer high quality (determined, as you noted, by superficial metrics) of NYC women that go single for absurd lengths of time.

        How are YOU being vulnerable?

        You’re not sharing what mental tweaks you made to your way of thinking which enabled you to be in the right frame of mind at the salad bar.

        How did you go from Tindering thru a conga line of finance f*boys to marrying Mister Salad?

        You’re giving zero practical advice. You’re sharing not a hint of the mistakes you made and which many of the single girls are prob making.

        I want to see who you were and how you dated and what your mindset was like before you met your husband, but you’re not sharing that person. You’re not being vulnerable.

        Alas, I’m wasting my breath. You can go thru all the therapy and do all the self-work and read The Secret cover-to-cover and STILL BE SINGLE. Especially as a female in New York. You never once addressed New York as a dating environment.

        And even if you get married…whose to say that your amazing husband doesn’t get a shiny new college intern after you’ve had your second child…marriage is by no means the finish line.

        At some point you make your own luck if you know how to optimize your environment. That we agree on.

        But I can’t tell if you’re just happy and naive or smug as sh**, and my money ain’t on the former.

  7. Anonymous
    April 3, 2019 / 9:02 am

    Tell me what mindset I need to achieve to attract a startup founder whose unicorn is about to IPO.

    Age 33-42, no beards or visible tattoos, no smoking (except cannabis products), no organized religion (but general spirituality okay), no dads, no fats, no sober ppl.

    Must like omakase and be able to get a last-minute table at Compagnie if I’m in a wine kind of mood that day.

  8. Bode
    April 12, 2019 / 9:26 pm

    Katerina and Yinon: You need to read the article linked below. Pay special attention to point #6 and stop congratulating yourself for something you had absolutely no control over. Since you seem to believe that your chance encounter was somehow divined by the universe – in other words, you think what goes around comes around, and that all your hard work was rewarded with true love – you should agree with something else that is divined by the universe: flaunting your good fortune with the express purpose of making other people feel bad is going to come back to bite you in the ass. And that is why you are doing it, isn’t it? It’s not enough to just be happy and in love. You have to actually write articles on the internet making other people feel bad for not finding love at the deli. What kind of people are you? Your blog posts are downright cruel.

    Why are you even writing blogs about how finding love is not luck but work to begin with? Why do you care? Are you so insecure in your relationship that you need followers who say things like, “You two are so cute together!” Are you so vain that you need people to admire your good looks? Are you so eager to pat yourselves on the back for what was nothing more than a chance encounter that you actually find it necessary to spend what is clearly a huge amount of time congratulating yourself on how much you DESERVED to find each other, then expressly stating that if YOU haven’t found YOUR Yinon, well, it’s clearly because YOU haven’t done the hard work that KATERINA DID! Katerina EARNED her happy relationship, by God! She did EVERYTHING RIGHT and THAT is why she has love! It wasn’t luck! She earned it!

    And now she’s traipsing around the world half-naked in overtly sexual poses WITH THE LOVE THAT SHE EARNED just so she can show all of us how happy YOU TOO can be if you only FIGURE OUT WHO YOU ARE AND GET YOUR CHILDHOOD TRAUMAS STRAIGHTENED OUT! And Katerina and Yinon, who are not qualified to be giving advice on this in any way, can help you! They’ll send you tips with language like “we recommend this” or “we believe that”. As if they have been appointed by God to be telling the world how to find love.

    No one I know who is in a happy relationship, including myself, finds it necessary to applaud themselves the way you two seem to do. What kind of people are you? The “advice” you are giving is not only flat out wrong, it’s harmful. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


    • Katerina
      April 12, 2019 / 10:10 pm

      I was really trying to understand what makes you want to spend so much of your time on writing so many LONG comments under fake names pretending to be different people, all trying to tell us how wrong our approach is. There are many things written on the internet and many approaches to everything. YOU get to choose what you want to read or which advice to follow. If you want to subscribe to the idea that life and love is about luck, that’s your choice and we happily support it. But that still won’t change our minds because we have our own experience which taught us something else. It is working for us.

      And what I’m starting to understand is that this is just a cry for help. You are looking for answers. All you’re finding is sites like Elite Daily and the one you sent, that write crappy articles about 1st dates and things to hate in a guy… And it’s not helping. Please understand that that’s “content” for them. They are not here to help you, they are just filling up pages with content so they can get more clicks and sell more ads. That’s why their titles are so click-baity but the articles are full of fluff. I bet you their authors are not therapists or experts in relationships either.

      We don’t do ads, we don’t make money from this… We genuinely want to help. I know our articles are not fully developed yet as this is just a passion project and we haven’t had the time to complete it yet. But this is exactly why we even started. We want to help people like you because we know you are confused and looking for answers and there are answers! Finding a partner is not some mystical sorcery but a skill just like public speaking or being better in social situations – you can learn it.

      PLEASE, instead of writing comments, send me an email – katerina.stavreva@gmail.com. Send it anonymously and let’s talk. No judgement. I really know your pain so well and I think I can help you if you have an open mind.

      • Your BFF
        April 13, 2019 / 1:05 am

        Awwww, sweetie, look at you using your big words and telling people they are “confused” and trying to convince us all you are just trying to “help” us. Exactly what do I need help with? I am happily married! Here’s the deal, Katerina. You are a bad person. You claim to want to help people when all you really want to do is feel smug and have a lot of people admire your professional pics. You end every sentence with a little smiley face as if you are my BFF. You have me audacity to tell me that I don’t know what to read and believe. Do you think your half-naked photos are not “click bait”? Give me a break.

        Let ME help you, sweetie, cuz you sound a bit confused and it’s coming off as rude 😊. It’s clear you have issues from childhood that haven’t been resolved and you gotta get over those before you learn to be happy with your relationship without feeling the need to advertise it. 😊 My husband and I believe people who are secure with themselves don’t need to flaunt their happiness all over the Internet. 😃 We believe a better approach is to be happy without making others unhappy. 😉😉 We also recommend not giving advice about things you know nothing about, cuz it can actually be a bit harmful, making jokes about people’s childhood traumas and stuff 😀😀 Let me know if you want help with any of this, by the way. I am here to make sure YOU find all the happiness you deserve! Because you clearly aren’t happy. You know how I know that? Because you are living your life differently from me. And of course the way that it is for me is the way it should be for everyone! 😊😊 So just shoot me and email if you want my husband’s and my help, and we’ll be glad to assist. That’s what we are here for. 😊😊😊 No judgment! I know it’s hard being so vain and self-centered you feel the need to have a blog about your relationship. I know it’s hard. I know it hurts trying to convince people you earned your good luck at the salad line. 😉😉 I’m here to help. Shoot me an email at yourbff@gmail.com and I’ll help you fix all the things that are wrong.

      • Anon
        April 13, 2019 / 10:48 pm

        You’re not a therapist or a relationship expert. Come back to us in 10 years after weathering a few relationship roadblocks and life disruptions. Then we’ll take your advice. I get that it’s your passion project, but if you “know her pain” so well, then share it. I want to know how you know these peoples’ pain.

    • Mira
      April 13, 2019 / 8:53 am

      same person wrote all of this crap?!? what a mental case!

      • Anon
        April 13, 2019 / 10:49 pm

        Oh hello katerina!

  9. Ryan
    April 12, 2019 / 9:27 pm

    Katerina and Yinon: You need to read the article linked below. Pay special attention to point #6 and stop congratulating yourself for something you had absolutely no control over. Since you seem to believe that your chance encounter was somehow divined by the universe – in other words, you think what goes around comes around, and that all your hard work was rewarded with true love – you should agree with something else that is divined by the universe: flaunting your good fortune with the express purpose of making other people feel bad is going to come back to bite you in the ass. And that is why you are doing it, isn’t it? It’s not enough to just be happy and in love. You have to actually write articles on the internet making other people feel bad for not finding love at the deli. What kind of people are you? Your blog posts are downright cruel.

    Why are you even writing blogs about how finding love is not luck but work to begin with? Why do you care? Are you so insecure in your relationship that you need followers who say things like, “You two are so cute together!” Are you so vain that you need people to admire your good looks? Are you so eager to pat yourselves on the back for what was nothing more than a chance encounter that you actually find it necessary to spend what is clearly a huge amount of time congratulating yourself on how much you DESERVED to find each other, then expressly stating that if YOU haven’t found YOUR Yinon, well, it’s clearly because YOU haven’t done the hard work that KATERINA DID! Katerina EARNED her happy relationship, by God! She did EVERYTHING RIGHT and THAT is why she has love! It wasn’t luck! She earned it!

    And now she’s traipsing around the world half-naked in overtly sexual poses WITH THE LOVE THAT SHE EARNED just so she can show all of us how happy YOU TOO can be if you only FIGURE OUT WHO YOU ARE AND GET YOUR CHILDHOOD TRAUMAS STRAIGHTENED OUT! And Katerina and Yinon, who are not qualified to be giving advice on this in any way, can help you! They’ll send you tips with language like “we recommend this” or “we believe that”. As if they have been appointed by God to be telling the world how to find love.

    No one I know who is in a happy relationship, including myself, finds it necessary to applaud themselves the way you two seem to do. What kind of people are you? The “advice” you are giving is not only flat out wrong, it’s harmful. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


    • Mira
      April 13, 2019 / 8:48 am

      wow go away lady, you sound so desperate and annoying. I personally would love to find out what they have to say about relationships. Let me guess, you’re around 40, maybe you got a great career but single as fck, you see two happy young people on the itnernet and decide to take out all your frustration on them. You feel better now? How sad. They seem so happy together and positive, living their life traveling around the world. A lot of people seem to be inspired by it and find it uplifting. Why is that making you feel bad? What is wrong with you? If you are in a happy relationship, as you say, why is someone else’s happiness making you feel so bad to the point that you have to go and bash them?!?!????? wow

      • X
        April 13, 2019 / 10:49 pm

        Oh hello there, Katerina!

      • Elizabeth
        May 7, 2022 / 4:42 pm

        I don’t think this woman has any problem with their relationship. She has a problem with her claiming their chance encounter at the deli was anything other than dumb luck. That’s a slap in the face to people who are single, not because they are doing something wrong, but because they simply weren’t at the right deli at the right time.

  10. Devon
    April 14, 2019 / 11:15 pm

    Just got here after watching your stories and I wanted to say thank you! I’m going through a breakup and seeing the way you two are with each other is making me believe in love again.

    • Katerina
      May 23, 2019 / 3:54 am

      Thanks so much Devon :))) Stay positive, every break up has its role in your life and will help get you closer to finding what you really need

  11. May 5, 2019 / 5:19 pm

    Hi Katerina! I just read this blog post and I just want be one of the few to say that I do agree with your view on relationships and I absolutely love your story. This has really opened my eyes in the best way and it really is sad that those leaving hateful comments can’t see the main message. Your blog is amazing and you have inspired me to start my own blog several months ago! I just wanted to instill some positivity on your comment section because i know how disheartening rude comments can be. Keep writing for you and your audience, unapologetically! Such an inspiration to me, xoxo!

    • Katerina
      May 23, 2019 / 3:53 am

      Thank you Courtney! Your support means so much <3 It is definitely sad to see so much negativity around this topic especially because we write about it out of love, we genuinely want to help others find what we have.

      So happy you are starting your own blog, good luck!! it's really one of the things we enjoy doing the most :))) Let me know if you need any advice, would be happy to help

  12. Anna
    August 12, 2019 / 3:27 pm

    My boyfriend and I were seriously in love for 3 years and we were planning to get married but one day he came to my house and told me he was no longer interested in our relationship simply because he was dating another rich lady who promised to buy him a car and to sponsor their wedding. And I suffered heartbreak for 9 months and I was not tired of loving him, so I took a bold step by contacting a spell caster who helped me bring my ex boyfriend back. he is powerful and great his contact is UEBEFENLOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM / ugbefenlovespell.wordpress.com / whatsapp +2348107927774. if you have any problem contact Dr Enato, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you!!

  13. August 25, 2019 / 6:38 pm

    Enjoy every moment! My hubby and I have been together for 27 years now, stronger than ever!!!! We met by chance as well, I was not planning on going out that night actually telling my friends I was way too tired to do the town. My friends dragged me out, I had walked by a window that he was people watching from and he told his friend that he wanted to meet me. As the night dragged on my girlfriends and I were having a drink at a bar and he ended up there playing pool and walked up to introduce himself.
    Also a big thing I left out was that he was visiting my town on business so the chance of all of that lining up is pretty incredible. I really think we were destined to have found each other, now in our retirement we travel the world- headed to NYC to watch the US Open tennis tournament tomorrow and then off to Iceland on Wednesday. Life is definitely SWEET for us!

  14. carmen
    October 11, 2019 / 4:03 am

    Very inspiring, I love looking at how happy you are together! You always make me smile.

  15. The Known Truth
    December 19, 2019 / 6:12 am

    Many men and women were very extremely blessed and lucky when they found love with each other which unfortunately many of us single good men weren’t. Then again, the women today are nothing at all like the old days when love back then was very easy to find since most women were the very complete opposite of today as well as real ladies too which was a plus.

  16. JW
    January 8, 2020 / 2:36 pm

    Most single women nowadays have very very high standards unfortunately.

  17. James
    February 10, 2020 / 7:55 am

    Gee Wiz, so many women nowadays unfortunately have very high standards now, making it very difficult for many of us single men looking for it.

  18. Anonymous
    March 5, 2020 / 11:17 am

    Sucks being single though.

  19. Anonymous
    June 4, 2020 / 3:58 pm

    Since we live in a very totally different time today which makes love very difficult to find today, especially for many of us single guys. Most women today unfortunately have very high unrealistic expectations.

  20. Guest
    December 25, 2020 / 11:51 am

    Being single and very lonely all the time is the worst of all, especially when you keep getting older and older with no luck at all finding love.

  21. Barry
    April 9, 2021 / 7:09 am

    Today unfortunately most women are nothing at all like they use to be in the past which made love very easy to find in those days. Most women are very high maintenance, very independent, and don’t care to have a man in their life, selfish, spoiled, greedy, picky, money hungry, gold diggers, cheaters, and that list just keeps on growing making it very difficult for many of us single men trying to find love today. In the old days it was very easy finding love just like our family members did since they had no trouble at all. So it is the women of today that are really too blame why so many of us good single men can’t find love today, because of the very big change in the women nowadays from the past unfortunately. And now you have so many women with their careers today that really think they’re all that, which they really are a real joke to begin with. Most women back in the past made love very real in those days, and not today at all.

  22. M
    September 30, 2021 / 6:11 am

    Yes – you got lucky

  23. December 20, 2021 / 7:48 am

    Hi Katerina! 🙂

    please check your gmail account
    i have emailed you


  24. Clark
    May 6, 2022 / 9:59 pm

    Amal Clooney, re finding love: “It’s the one thing in life that I think is the biggest determinant of happiness, and it’s the thing you have the least control over.” Your stance that finding love is completely within your control – that there is zero chance involved – is flat out wrong. The problem with your article is that you aren’t considering the possibility that someone has done all the things they are “supposed” to do, but wasn’t in the right deli at the right time. We need more women like Amal, and less women like you.

  25. Guest
    May 31, 2022 / 3:58 pm

    Finding love is about luck, and you really have to be very extremely lucky nowadays when back in the old days love did come very easy to find.

  26. Ronny
    November 15, 2022 / 8:10 am

    With so many very brainless, clueless, and worthless women everywhere now which makes love very impossible to find today for so many of us single guys still looking and hoping.

  27. Guest
    January 17, 2023 / 10:51 am

    Well for many people that are married with a family of their own today, were without a doubt very extremely lucky and blessed when they met. Too bad it doesn’t happen to everyone like that that really wanted it too.

  28. The Absolute Truth
    March 9, 2023 / 10:57 am

    Finding love is really about luck, and nowadays finding love is like finding a needle in a haystack since the women today are very completely different from the old days when it was certainly very easy back then.

  29. Patrick Smith
    March 8, 2024 / 4:33 am

    Hi guys, i don’t have much to say now now, Than to say thanks to Dr.Peter for rescuing me and my family from poverty, and for getting my husband and my Job back, i love playing lottery , but winning is my biggest problem, Ill never forget the day i come in contact with Dr Peter, whose lottery spell make me a winner, some million Dollars , after giving me a sure winning numbers within 3 days to play,my financial status is settled for good,now i have started to live my dream life after 12 years of playing the lottery A big thanks to Dr Peter , am grateful for all you have done for me and family, he can be reach on VIA Email: drpeterotakpaspellcaster09 {@ gmail.com .}

  30. Benjamin Charlotte
    March 12, 2024 / 2:36 pm

    I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought love spell could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with Him, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what this great spell caster has done for me, his help is priceless! I don’t know what I would have done without his help, He does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best service to use i can count on when it comes to restoring relationship, I was floored that his worked was perfect, if you need help,❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️drpeterotakpaspellcaster09 {@ gmail.com .}

  31. Luc
    December 8, 2024 / 4:12 am

    Hi I understand the article.

    Think it’s only a half truth though.

    It’s good to put yourself out there yes 100% and increase odds but luck still plays a role.

    You need right place right time whoever you meet for both persons. And you both must be right for each other.

    Lots of things must align.
    Also, if you live in a small town what can you do to put yourself out there?

    I know there’s online dating but still takes a lot of work unless you get lucky match. Not everyone has the time to spend hours on there.

    Luck definitely is significant but I suppose we get there eventually. Some just faster than others…

    Still though, I get the article.

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